Crystal Cardians (2021)

A preview/first draft of an upcoming webcomic project, “Crystal Cardians – Magical Youth”, a queer magical youth fantasy which will follow the adventures of a group of magically empowered teens known as “Crystal Cardians” as they fight to protect their city – and the whole world – from a race of emotion-manipulating aliens known as the “Seedrians”. For one of the Cardians, however, things are about to become a whole lot more complicated, as they’re about to find out that their romantic life and life as a hero aren’t as seperate from each other as they assumed.

I won’t be keeping this “Pilot” issue around forever, though it’ll likely be partially incorporated into the comic proper when I launch it in a couple of months, but feel free to enjoy it while it’s here – and hit me up on Twitter/Instagram if you have any feedback – comments are always appreciated!