Mythopoeia Card Game

a concept I worked on in 2018 – designing a card game based on World Mythology. in addition to the art itself I also designed & play-tested a (relatively) functional game, which I’d love to revisit in a more fully-fledged fashion in the future.

the concept revolves around a shared deck of cards, from which two players will eventually have to commit to a single colour (based on the hand they draw) and take turns playing cards for points (symbolized by the stars) or using the special cards (symbolized by the heart, skull and swirl) to sabotage the other player. at the end of the first turn that either player is able to get three point cards in play, the game will end and the winner would be the player whose score total is the highest.

will likely upload a more vigorous explanation of the rules at some point in the future, so stay tuned!